Francois Truffaut


                    Truffaut said at Hitchcock’s AFI lifetime achievement ceremony “Hitchcock films scenes of love like scenes of murder, and scenes of murder like scenes of love”.  Truffaut loved how Hitchcock told the darker side of life and it is evident in the amount of work that paid homage to Hitchcock’s work.  Hitchcock’s influences on Truffaut can easily be seen in Truffaut’s films such as The 400 Blows, The Bride Who Wore Black, and his last film Confidentially YoursConfidentially Yours has been discussed as Truffaut’s tribute to Alfred Hitchcock due to its heavy use of themes that have been attached to Hitchcock cinema suck as murder, love triangles, anonymous locations, and guilt vs. innocence.  “I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema”, Truffaut stated.  Truffaut could see in Hitchcock’s films the dedication that he put into his work.  Truffaut saw his “auteur theory” inside Hitchcock’s movies and came in contact with him as soon as he could.

                    In 1962, Francois Truffaut sat down with Hitchcock in an interview for a book he was  writing dedicated to Hitchcock’s cinema.  These interviews lasted around 12 hours and included in-depth discussions on the life of Alfred Hitchcock as well as a ton of Hitchcock films such as The 39 Steps (1935),  Rebecca(1940), Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Spellbound (1945), Strangers on a Train (1951), The Birds(1963), Rear Window (1954), Vertigo (1958), North By Northwest(1959) and Psycho (1960).  Not only is Truffaut using Hitchcock to gain insight on the world of storytelling, but Hitchcock is using Truffaut to gain insight on how well his ideas are coming across to audiences.  When Truffaut expressed a question or concern on an idea Hitchcock had in his films, Hitchcock would respond with that his intentions were and see if Truffaut thought that was the right way to do things.

– Bobby Carney

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